1. Cook County Physicians Cooperative (assistance with medical costs for financially eligible) Vista Health Center of Cook County 1585 Rand Road, Palatine, IL 847-934-7969
2. Access to Care (low income medical assistance) 708-531-0680
3. WIC (Women, Infants and children) food assistance program for low to medium income pregnant & breastfeeding women and their children age 5 and below) www.dhs.state.il.us
4. CEDA (Il Dept. of Public Aid Food Distribution) to empower families to become self-sufficient. For the financially eligible, it helps with food, scholarships and energy assistance. www.cedaorg.net
5. Community Childcare Center of Palatine Township/ Children's Home & Aid Society, (sliding scale daycare). 721 S. Quentin Rd palatine, IL 847-991-1030.
6. Catholic Charities. Wide varieties of services. www.catholicharities.net
7.Well Baby Clinic (immunizations and checkups for healthy children 0-5) www.idph.state.il.us
8. Headstart (preschool program with transportation , meals, medical, dental) www.ilheadstart.org
9 IL Dept. of Public Aid.- Palatine Township Office 847-358-6700 IDPA- 1-800-972-5829. (food stamps/ subsidized housing/ green card/ financial asistance) www.hfs.illinois.gov
10. Displaced Homemakers Program through Harper College Woman's Program (helps with education expenses) www.goforward.harpercollege.edu
11. Illinois State Scholarships/Pell Grants www.financialaid.ilstu.edu
12.Cook County Housing Authority. (providing shelter for elderly, families and disabled with low-mod. income) www.thehacc.org
13. Lifeline & Link-up-Illinois (partial subsidy of monthly localphone bills. universal telephone assistance program for low income households) www.linkupillinois.org