We join with the Illinois State Council Knights of Columbus in their renewed commitment to life. As such, in addition to the resources for assistance, we provide other links for education on various life/family/women's issues. Just click on the link for more information.
NOTE: We make every attempt to check websites listed to insure that the domains have not been sold and the content changed. If you find that one of these links is no longer for the organization listed, please let us know so we can update the information. Thank you.
Help for children of divorce and death:
1. Rainbows (dedicated to helping youth with grief associated with divorce, death, abandonment, or other life altering change in their family.) www.rainbows.org
Teaching documents and Resources for Assistance on Life and Family issues:
1. Human Cloning (cuts past euphemisms to expose the facts about what some call "therapeutic cloning.) Americans to Ban Cloning www.cloninginformation.org
2. RU486 ( Factual medical information about the abortion drug) www.ru486facts.org
3. Stem Cell Research ( up to date articles, testimony, news, and research on stem cells)
"Do no Harm" The coalition of Americans for Research Ethics. www.stemcellresearch.org
4. Abortion Aftermath (Church's outreach to women and men suffering from abortion, contact information for Project Rachel offices nationwide, professional articles on abortion aftermath and women's personal stories). www.hopeafterabortion.org
5. Daily e-mails and statements from the Holy See. Zenit International News Agency. https://www.zenit.org/english also The Holy See www.vatican.va
6. National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (public Policy/grassroots mobilization experts). www.nchla.org and www.endroe.org
7. Life Insight ( newsletter on abortion and related issues)United States Council of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-life Activities https://www.usccb.org/prolife/publicat/lifeinsight/index.htm
8. Life Saving Treatments and Vegetative States(papers presented at the International Congress) www.vegetativestate.org
9. Medical Code of Ethics- American Medical Association https://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/8228.html
10. Catholic Medical Association www.cathmed.org
11. American Geriatrics Society Foundation for Health and Aging www.healthinaging.org/public_education/pain
12.International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force www.iaetf.org
13. National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities www.ncpd.org
14. National Association of Pro-life Nurses www.nursesforlife.org
15. Senior Health Care Organization www.seniorhealthcare.org
16. Children of God For Life (info. on use of aborted babies in production of childhood vaccines) www.cogforlife.org
Marriage help:
1.Marriage Savers (Preparing, Strengthening & Restoring marriages) www.marriagesavers.com.
Clergy Training/Outreach:
1. Priests for Life (provides education and support for pro-life religious)www.priestsforlife.org
2. Sisters of Life (active religious community dedicated to protecting and advancing a sense of sacredness for all human life) www.sistersoflife.org
3. Deacons for Life www.deaconsforlife.org
4. Seminarians for Life www.seminariansforlife.org
5. Missionaries for Life (Catholic Religious order founded by Fr. Frank Pavone promoting the culture of life) www.missionariesoftheGospeloflife.org
Post-Abortion Healing/ Infant loss support:
1. Rachel's Vineyard(a safe place to renew, rebuild, & redeem hearts broken by abortion- retreats) www.RachelsVineyard.org
2. Silent No More( an effort to make public aware of effects of abortion on women,men and their families- by post abortive women) www.Silentnomoreawareness.org
3. Project Rachel (post-abortion help for women and men) www.hopeafterabortion.com
4. SHARE (pregnancy & infant loss support) www.nationalshareoffice.com
Political Parties for Life:
1. Republican National Coalition for Life(committed to education and maintaining the pro-life platform in the Republican Party) www.rnclife.org
2. Democrats for Life of America (a national organization for pro-life members of the Democrat Party) www.democratsforlife.org
3. Libertarians for Life (political group with scientific and philisophical opposition to abortion) www.l4l.org
4. Vote Life America ( educates abortionists neighbors, educates public on abortion position of political candidates) www.votelifeamerica.com
5. Vote For Life First(pro life leaders in Illinois) www.voteforlifefirst.com
6. Left-Out (pro-life liberals and feminists) www.prolifeliberals.com
7. Pro-life Campaign Committee (mission to save unborn babies from abortion) www.prolifecommittee.com
Women's Issues/Health issues/ Family issues:
1. Coalition on Abortion Breast Cancer (provides studies and facts on connection between abortion and breast cancer) www.abortionbreastcancer.com
2. Feminists For Life (promotes feminism with a pro-life stance, emphasizing non-violence) www.feministsforlife.org
3. Breast Cancer Prevention Institute (dedicated to helping women prevent breast cancer through education) www.bcpinstitute.org
4. Family Life Institute (pastoral program for couples experiencing infertility) www.familylifeinstitute.com
5. Couple to Couple League (dedicated to building healthy families, promotion of Natural Family Planning) www.ccli.org
6. Before Cana (offering single men and women spiritual formation in preparation for dating and married life) www.marytown.com.
7. Protect Marriage Illinois (protecting marriage as one man, one woman) www.protectmarriageillinois.org.
Catholic Organizations/ Ecumenical Outreach:
1. National Catholic Family Conference(conference to strengthen Catholic families) www.NationalCatholicFamilyConference.org
2. Archdiocese of Chicago Respect Life Office( to transform society to a culture of life) www.archchicago.org
3. Gospel of Life Ministries (dedicated to assisting disciples of Jesus Christ to promote and defend the sanctity of life against the evil of abortion) www.GospelofLife.com
4. Life on the Line (electronic media promoting life issues) www.LifeontheLine.com
5. National Catholic Bioethics Center( association that researches & reflects on moral issues arising in health care) www.ncbcenter.org
6. Vatican Website www.vatican.va
7. Catholics United for Faith( organized to pray & witness for all innocent human life especially the pre-born) www.cuf.org
8. Secretariat for Pro-life activities US Council of Catholic Bishops www.usccb.org/prolife
9. Knights of Columbus www.KofC.org
10. Human Life International (worldwide Catholic Organization dedicated to upholding the values of human life in full conformity to teachings of Catholic faith) www.hli.org
11. American Life League (Roman Catholic pro-life group supports life through activism & legislation) www.all.org
12. Consistent Life ("Seamless Garment")(committed to protection of life threatened by war, poverty, abortion, racism, capital punishment) www. consistent-life.org
13. The Coming Home Network (for fallen away Catholics and non-Catholics searching for the truth) www.chnetwork.org
Pregnancy Help:
1. PHD (Pregnancy Help with Dignity)(practical assistance for needy pregnant women) www.sphd.org
2. Aid For Women (empowering individuals to make choices consistent with dignity of the human person) www.aidforwomen.org
3. The Women's Center ( reachs desperate women with a message of hope and help) www.womens-center.org
4. Care Net (Christian pregnancy outreach) www.care-net.org
5 Prenatal Partners for Life (for parents facing adverse pregnancy diagnoses) www.prenatalpartnersforlife.com
6. Women's Choice Services ( pregnancy assistance) www.choicedupage.com
Youth Outreach/ Education:
1. Generations (pro-life youth outreach) www,prolifeaction.org/generations
2. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust ( pro-life youth activism for those born after 1973) www.survivors.la
3. Ignite Your Torch (catholic youth conference teaching youth the practical ways to build the culture of life) www.igniteyourtorch.org
4. Students for Life of America (directory of pro-life campus groups) www.studentsforlife.org
5. Crossroads Pro-life (youth walking across America for life) www.crossroadswalk.com
6. University Faculty for Life (scholarship, philosophy & dialogue supporting the pro-life position) www.uffl.org
7. LEARN (Life Education & Resource Network- Network of pro-life homeschooling families) www.learninc.org
8. Homeschooler's for Life (pro-life organization for home schoolers) www.homeschoolersforlife.com
9. Youth outreach( Campus Pro-life 101- research & education) www.abortionaborted.org
10. The Christophers (use print & electronic media to spread the message you can make a difference) www.christophers.org
11. Life Athletes (professional & Olympic athletes who are committed to living lives of virtue, abstinence and respect for human life) www.lifeathletes.org
Help for the poor:
1. Cross International Catholic Outreach (delivering food, shelter and hope to the poorest of the poor) www.crosscatholic.org
2. Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (helping the poor world-wide) www.cfcausa.org
3. Catholic Relief Services (for those who hear the cry of the poor and answer with compassion) www.crs.org
4. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged (care for the poor elderly) www.littlesistershome.org
5. Food for the Poor (goal to end suffering of poor in Caribbean and Latin America) www.foodforthepoor.org
6. Journeys from PADS to HOPE (emergency shelter for homeless) www.padstohope.org
Legal/Medical pro-life organizations:
1. Physicians for Life (educating on abortion, stem cell research, abstinence, teen pregnancy. euthanasia, and misdiagnoses of PVS) www.Physiciansforlife.org
2. Life Legal Defense Foundation (defending the innocent) www.lldf.org
3. Medical Ethics Alliance (promoting pro-life policies dedicated to the discussion of medical ethical issues) www.medicalethics-alliance.org
4. Center for Bio-ethical Reform (promotes right to life of unborn, disabled, infirm, aged, and vulnerable through education) www.abortionno.org
5. Children of God For Life (understanding stem cell research and hidden truth behind vaccines from aborted babies) www.cogforlife.org
6. National Pro-life Alliance (non-partisan coalition united to overturn Roe V. Wade) www.prolifealliance.com
7. American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ ( dedicated to protecting religious freedom, specializing in constitutional law and protecting the unborn) www.aclj.org.
8. American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists www.aaplog.org.
Peaceful pro-life activism/ education on life issues/ newsletters:
1. Pro Life Action League (peaceful activism through education) www.prolifeaction.org
2. Life Dynamics (facts on abortion and deception of Planned Parenthood www.lifedynamics.com
3. National Right to Life (access to abortion alternatives and education) www.nrlc.org
4. Operation Rescue (dedicated to peacefully ending abortion in America) www.operationrescue.org
5. Life News.com (pro-life news source) www.lifenews.com
6. Illinois Right to Life (support and education on life issues) www.ifrl.org
8. Pro-life Across America (committed to bringing positive,persuasive messages offering information and alternatives to those in need "The billboard people") www.prolifeacrossamerica.org
9. Human Life Alliance ( dedicated to protecting human life from conception to natural death) www.humanlife.org
10.Washington DC Outreach (National Pro-life Action Center) www.nplac.org
Help for unwanted children post-birth:
1. Rest In His Arms (dedicated to providing Christian funeral services for deceased abandoned babies) www.restinhisarms.org
2. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation (safe haven for unwanted babies- NO QUESTIONS ASKED) www.saveabandonedbabies.org
News articles about abortion/chastity and related issues:
1. Love Matters www.lovematters.com
2. Abortion in cases of rape? https://www.afterabortion.org and www.abortionfacts.com
3. Abortion deaths www.prolife.com
4. Abortion injuries (expert legal advice Legal Action for Women) www.legalactionforwomen.org
5. Overpopulation myths www.pop.org
6. Help for Father's of aborted babies
Men's Abortion Recovery Ministries www.victimsofchoice.com
Fathers and Brothers Ministries www.safehavenministries.com
7. The story of Norma Mc Corvey the "Roe" of Roe V. Wade www.roenomore.org
8. Former Abortionists stories (meet the abortion providers) www.prolifeaction.org
9 .Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, a racist? www.all.org
10. Birth Control Pill health risks ( Can the pill, kill you?) www.pfli.org
11. Several Sources Foundation ( offers homes and resources for pregnant women and their babies) https://www.severalsourcesfd.org or https://www.lifecall.org or www.silentscream.org
12.Natural Family Planning reduces divorce rate www.ccli.org
13. Rock for Life (National youth and College Groups) www.rockforlife.org
14. Genocide Awareness Project www.abortionNo.org
15. Sex Respect ( chastity resources, abstinence groups) www.sexrespect.com
16. True Love Waits (chastity and abstinence groups) www.truelovewaits.com
17. Project Reality (chastity and abstinence groups) www. projectreality.org
18. Adoption Options www.adoption.com
19. Pregnancy Help Centers www.prregnancycenters.org
20. Pro-life OB/GYNS www.omsoul.com
21. Sexual addiction helplines www.nationalcoalition.org
22. Pharmacists for Life www.pfli.org
23. The story of Sandra Cano the "Doe" of Doe V. Bolton https://www.abortionfacts.com and www.operationoutcry.org
24. Stand Up Girl (for teens/young adult females. "Been there" girls speak up assisting with unplanned pregnancy www.standupgirl.com.
Catholic Parenting:
1. www.catholicparenting.com and provides a lot of useful information for Catholics raising children.
Pro-Life Research foundations:
1.. The Michael Fund (alternative to March of Dimes) www.michaelfund.org
2. The Abortion Breast Cancer Connection (alternative to Susan Komen Foundation) www. abortionbreastcancer.com
PROLIFE SEARCH ENGINE:- proceeds donated to pro-life causes www.prolifeinternet.com
100% of funds raised go to pro-life efforts. The internets ONLY pro-life search engine.
2. Choose Life License Plates www.ilchoose-life.org.
Family Entertainment:
1. Feature Films for Families www.familytv.com