Completed 2008/2009 Activities
Activities for 2008/2009
The Auxiliary held a Memorial Day Bake Sale at St. Thomas of Villanova for the benefit of the Ministry of Care and Food Pantry . A check was presented to Marilyn Korney of St. Thomas Ministry of Care, for the food pantry and other needs of the MOC, at the June meeting.
Auxiliary Members Barbara Simeo and Juliana Tragasz attended the Auxiliary "Mini Convention" at the annual Knights of Columbus Convention recently held in Lombard. There, on behalf of the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary, they were presented with an award for Outstanding Ladies Auxiliary in the state of Illinois for 2008/2009. Officers elected to serve on the board of the Ladies Auxiliary for the 2009/2010 year include: President: Juliana Tragasz, Vice President: Mary Lou Arns, Treasurer: Denise Ciciora, Co-Secretaries: Elizabeth Englebrecht and Jeannie Hodal, Trustees: Darcy Killigrew, Ruth Ruff, Ann Nelle Schwind and Barbara Simeo.
The last Knights of Columbus Fish Fry of the Lenten season was held on March 27 in the Pauline Center at St. Theresa. Over 200 Guests dined on Tilapia, Cheese Pizza, French Fries, Clam Chowder, Tomato Soup, Cole Slaw, Salad beverages and a sweets table. Auxiliary members assisted with set up, food prep., serving and clean up. At the end of the evening, the excess food and deserts was packed by Knights and Ladies and delivered to The Little Sisters of the Poor at St. Joseph's Home and to the Carmelite nuns at the Monastery in Des Plaines. Approximately 700 guests total attended the three fish fry's.
Aux. member Darcy Killigrew and her husband, Knight Jim, filled over 1500 Easter Eggs for the annual KC Easter Egg Hunt. held Apr 14, 2009.
Auxiliary members Bernadette Powers and Antoni & Deirdre Ehredt donated approximately 200 linens, and blankets to the Auxiliary, which were in turn, donated to area P.A.D.S. emergency shelters. The linens were boxed and delivered to the PADS sites at: Our Lady of the Wayside and St. James in Arlington Heights, St. Alphonsus in Prospect Heights and to St. Mary's in Des Plaines by auxiliary members Stephanie Galiardo, Christina Galiardo and Juliana Tragasz with assistance from daughter Monica Tragasz and third degree Knight Nicholas Galiardo. P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) provides safe shelter and food for area homeless. Additionally a case of hospital gowns was donated to the Jesse Brown Veterans Hospital in Chicago. Auxiliary Vice
President Mary Lou Arns assisted the Knights at their recent Pancake Breakfast held at St. Thomas of Villanova Church. Charitable contributions made by the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary so far this year include: The purchase of a book shelf/cabinet for St. Theresa Church choir area, and cash donations to: Prenatal Partners for Life, Rest In His Arms, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, Woman's Choice Services and The Little Sisters of the Poor.
The Knights of Columbus with the assistance of the Ladies Auxiliary hosted a Valentine's Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday February 7 from 5-7:30 PM in the Lower Dolan center at St. Theresa. Proceeds from the dinner will be used for high school scholarships.
The January Auxiliary meeting included a "White Elephant" gift exchange and potluck dinner. A check from the Auxiliary was presented to Mrs. Bob Moffett for the benefit for the St. Theresa Music Ministry to purchase a cabinet book shelf for the choir area.
The Knights of Columbus/Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Party took place on Saturday December 13, in the lower Dolan Center at St. Theresa Church. For $15.00 the 100 guests dined on a buffet of chicken piccata, linguini, garlic butter broccoli, teriyaki pork tenderloin, rosemary roasted red skinned potatoes, honey carrots, lemon pepper cod, rice, Caesar salad, baby green s with nuts/fruit and feta cheese with champagne mango dressing, garlic bread, rolls, lasagna, a sweets table, coffee/tea and a cash bar. There was a gift exchange, sing-a-long, live accordion music and approximately 50 raffle prizes. Auxiliary member Bernadette Powers catered the event.
The Auxiliary members who braved the weather on Dec. 9, participated in a "cookie exchange" .Members provided baked cookies or other holiday treats and divided cookies into groupings of 6 each, then traded their treats for 1/2 dozen from each of the other participating members.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary assisted the Knights of Columbus with the annual children's Christmas Party. Fifty children who are children or grandchildren of Knights or Ladies attended the event in which they played games, sang Christmas carols, dined on cookies and other "goodies" and enjoyed a visit with Santa. Each child was presented with a gift from Santa. Members who assisted the Knights were: Mary Kittler, Barbara Simeo, Cheryl Valenti and Pam Peterson.
Illinois Senator Matt Murphy (R-27th District) provided a Legislative Update to the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary on Tuesday 10/14/08 at their regular monthly meeting. Sen. Murphy is a parishioner of St. Theresa and a member of the Knights of Columbus Holy Ghost Council. He was available for questions following his presentation. For those who missed this meeting information can be found on his website see: or
The Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary does not endorse candidates. We recommend that Catholic viewers of this site contact for more information on Guidelines for Catholic Voters to determine which non-negotiable issues should be considered prior to casting your votes. We suggest that voters check the voting records of candidates who are running for re-election and research the positions of new candidates.
On September 11, 2008, Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary members, Mary Lou Arns and Juli Tragasz, and Holy Ghost Knights of Columbus, Joe Simeo and Mike Schroeder, had the honor to serve dinner to over 200 sailors at Great Lakes Naval Base at the "No-Dough" dinner- a bi-monthly donated dinner provided free of charge to the service men and women the evening before their pay day, when they have no more money for food. The dinner was provided through the generosity of the Holy Ghost Council 4977 Knights of Columbus from St. Theresa and St. Thomas Parishes. See Photo Gallery for pictures of this event.
Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary President, Juli Tragasz, joined with Fourth Degree Holy Ghost Knight, Chris Galiardo, at All Saints Cemetery in Des Plaines on Sept. 19, to attend the funeral of four abandoned infants. The “Rest in His Arms” ministry provided the funeral service. Fourth Degree Knights from Holy Family and St. Edna's Parishes provided the Honor Guard at the graveside service. The three boys and one girl were; Baby Thomas, found last April in Hillside; Baby Andreas born on June 22, whose mother moved out of the country; and the Johnson twins, a boy and a girl who died shortly after birth on July 10 to an indigent family. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. Rest in His Arms provides dignified burials for abandoned infants and children. See the photo gallery for pictures of the service. "Rest in His Arms" is a ministry supported by the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary collected non-perishable and other items to assemble Thanksgiving Baskets for a needy family from each of St. Theresa and St. Thomas of Villanova parishes at the recent meeting. A fresh pie and a turkey were added to the baskets and Auxiliary member, Mary C. Powers, delivered the baskets to both parishes in time for the holiday. See Photo Gallery.
The Knights of Columbus with the assistance of members of the Ladies Auxiliary held a pancake breakfast at St. Thomas of Villanova on Sunday November 2, 2008 after all morning Masses.
More than 25 members of the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary attended the Pot-luck dinner and "pound auction" on Sept. 9 in the Pauline Center at St. Theresa. In the "pound auction" fundraiser, each member donates 1 item valued between $8.-$12. which is then auctioned off. $150.00 was raised which will be donated to charities supported by the Auxiliary. Auxiliary Treasurer, Denise Ciciora served as auctioneer.
Members of the Auxiliary joined with the Knights of Columbus on Sept. 20 & 21, at stores, street corners, and intersections to sell "Tootsie Rolls", the proceeds of which will be donated to local charities that provide assistance to the intellectually disabled. Last year the Holy Ghost Knights of Columbus donated over $36,000. to local charities. Worldwide the K of C has donated over one billion dollars to the disabled.
Sick, Spiritual & Welfare Committee Chair, Roberta Sowizrol, provided "get well" and "sympathy" cards to the St. Theresa Ministry of Care to send to ill parishioners and the families of deceased parishioners. We invite viewers of our site to notify us of any known parishioners from St. Thomas or St. Theresa who are ill or have passed away, or those who are in need of prayers.
Auxiliary members, Becky Murzyn and Nicole Miller, joined with their father, George Tibus, a fourth degree Knight of Columbus as banner carriers at the St. Theresa outdoor Feast Day Mass, representing both organizations. See the photo gallery for pictures of this service.
The Auxiliary kicked off the new year with a fun event. At the Jan. 13, 2009 monthly meeting a pot luck diinner with a "white elephant" gift exchange was held at St. Thomas Rowley Center. Also at that meeting a check from the proceeds of the Christmas bake sale was presented to the St. Theresa Music Ministry for the purpose of purchasing of a book shelf/cabinet to be placed in the choir area at the front of church.
Bake Sale
A bake sale to benefit the St. Theresa Music Ministry was held after each Mass on Saturday/Sunday 12/20 & 21/08. Proceeds from the sale was used to help the Music Ministry purchase a new book shelf/cabinet for the choir area in the front of the church. It was a joint effort of the Ladies Auxiliary and the Music Ministry. Members of both organizations were asked to provide an item to sell. The bake sale was very successful due to the generosity of the St. Theresa Church community and members of both ministries. A check from the Auxiliary will be presented to Mrs. Bob Moffett to be delivered to the Director of the Music Ministry at the January meeting of the Auxiliary which was held at St. Thomas on January 13.
Auxiliary Secretary Darcy Killgrew and husband Jim (KC) stuffed 1300 Easter eggs for the annual Knights of Columbus Easter Egg hunt recently held at St. Theresa. The event was well attended with 60 children, and enjoyed by all present.