Alternative Charities
For those wishing to donate to charities that adhere to Catholic Christian teaching and do not contribute to the destruction of human life, we would like to provide the following:
1. Breast cancer research. Alternative to The Susan G. Komen Foundation
Many of the well-known breast cancer research foundations actually contribute a portion of their fundrasing proceeds to Planned Parenthood, the largest chain of abortion clinics in the US. An acceptable alternative that does not fund the destruction of human life is: Abortion Breast Cancer Coalition. See their website at Another is the Breast Cancer Prevention institute. Their website is:
2. Genetic Research. Alternative to The March of Dimes.
The Michael Fund provides Pro-life Genetic research, see
3. Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. the ONLY non-profit biomedical Institute that does not use embryonic cell lines, aborted fetal tissue or any other illicit materials in their research. They promote ethical vaccines. . Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute has developed a certification program to let consumers know how their vaccines, drugs and cosmetics are manufactured so that they can make informed choices about what to purchase.
What products would you like to see ProLife Produced™ or FetalFree™ certified? Send your requests to Contact us to obtain more information about SCPI ProLife Produced™, FetalFree™ and ProLife Approved™ certifications: • Manufacturers can send inquiries to • Consumers can send inquiries to
The need for Certification
To date, 24 vaccines (10 of these are used in the US) contain components that are produced using aborted fetal cell lines. Following the vaccine example, we currently have 3 FDA approved recombinant drugs with up to 85 coming soon, and specialty cosmetic anti-aging creams also produced using aborted fetal cell lines or aborted fetal cell proteins.
• Vaccines containing aborted fetal cell lines (see below)
• FDA-approved drugs containing aborted fetal cell lines
• Cosmetics using aborted fetal cell lines
Vaccines, Biologics and Cosmetics produced using aborted fetal cells and/or containing aborted fetal DNA, proteins or cellular debris:
Polio Vaccines:
• PolioVax (Sanofi)
• Pentacel (Sanofi)
• DT Polio Adsorbed (Sanofi)
• Quadracel (Sanofi)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccines:
• MMR II (Merck)
• Meruvax II (Merck)
• Priorix (GSK)
• MRVax (Merck)
• Erolalix (GSK)
• Biovax (Merck)
• ProQuad (Merck)
• MMR-V (Merck)
Varicella Vaccines
for Chickenpox or Shingles:
• Varivax (Merck)
• Varilix (GSK)
• ProQuad (Merck)
• MMR-V (Merck)
• Zostavax (Merck)
Hepatitis A Vaccines:
• Vaqta (Merck)
• Havrix (GSK)
• Avaxim (Sanofi)
• Epaxal (Crucell/ Berna)
• Vivaxim (Sanofi)
• Twinrix (GSK)
Rabies Vaccines:
• Imovax (Sanofi)
• Bio-Gel (NeoCutis)
• Journee (NeoCutis)
• Bio-Serum Intensive Treatment (NeoCutis)
• Bio-Restorative Skin Cream (NeoCutis)
Biologics for Sepsis:
• Xigris (Eli Lilly)
• Drotrecogin alpha (activated) (Eli Lilly)
Biologics for cystic fibrosis:
• Pulmozyme (Roche/Genentech)
• Dornase Alpha (Roche/Genentech)
4) List of charities organizations that contribute to Planned Parenthood/abortion/culture of death
List of charities and organizations that are linked to Planned Parenthood and/or the culture of death.
Life Decisions Int’l, the same organization that compiles the Planned Parenthood Boycott List, compiled the following list of charities and organizations that are linked to Planned Parenthood and/or the culture of death. Now that you know, as Christians, let us stop funding any organization that collaborates with Planned Parenthood or backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research!
- AAA- Allows local offices to fund Planned Parenthood
- Alzheimer’s Assc. Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- America Give Back, “Idol Gives Back” supports abortion
- American Assn. for Cancer Research-Embryonic Stem Cell
- American Assn. Dental Research-Embryonic Stem Cell
- AARP-Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- American Burn Assc. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell research.
- American Cancer Society has funded PP
- American Diabetes Assc.-Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- American Thoracic Society backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- American Thyroid Assc. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Amnesty Int’l- Publicly on record as a pro-abortion group.
- APBD Research Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Aspira Assc. Allows chapters to partner with PP
- Axion Research Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Audubon Society-Publicly on record as a pro-abortion
- Boys & Girls Club Of America Allows PP access to members
- Camp Fire allows PP access to its members.
- Children’s Aid Society has funded PP
- Children’s Defense Fund-Has embraced population control
- Christopher & Dana Reeves Fdn.-Embryonic Stem Cell
- Council of Churches supports abortion
- Dr Phil Fdn supports CDF-embraces population control
- Doctors Without Borders-Distributes contraceptives
- Easter Seals allows chapters to partner with PP
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDs Fdn. Embryonic Stem Cells
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, Embryonic Stem Cells
- Girls Inc. is on public record as a pro-abortion group
- Girl Scouts allows PP access to its members
- Glaucoma Research Fdn.- Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Hereditary Disease Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Juvenile Diabetes Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Human Rights Watch-On record as pro-abortion group
- Kiwanis Club- Allows local chapters to fund PP
- League of Women Voters-On record as pro-abortion group
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society- Embryonic Stem Cell
- Lions Club-Allows local chapters to fund PP
- Lupus Fdn.-Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Lymphoma Research Fdn. Embryonic Stem Cell
- March of Dimes-Opposed by pro-life groups because of its pro-choice mentality against children who may be born imperfect. MOD also supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
- Michael J Fox Fdn.-Supports Embryonic Stem Cell
- Muscular Dystrophy Assn. backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Myasthenia Gravis Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Myositis Assn. backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Nat’l Alliance For Eye & Vision Research Emb. Stem Cell
- National Childhood Cancer Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- National Education Assn. supports abortion
- National Multiple Sclerosis Soc. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- National Osteoporosis Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- National Psoriasis Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- National Spinal Cord Assc. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- National Urban League allows PP access to members
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Outward Bound has allowed PP access to its members
- Paralyzed Veterans of America backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Parkinson’s Action Network backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Pemphigus & Pemphigoid Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Parkinson’s Disease Fdn. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Prevent Cancer Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Project ALS backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Quest For The Cure backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Research Soc. On Alcoholism backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Research America backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Rett Syndrom Research Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Robert Pickard Center for ALS Research, Emb. Stem Cell
- Ronald McDonald House Charities has funded PP
- Rotary Int’l- Funds PP, funds pro- abortion UN Children Fund-UNICEF, and rabidly pro-abortion UNFPA.
- Salvation Army-Defends abortion in rape, incest, fetal deformity
- Save the Children works with PP on population control
- Scleroderma Research Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Sjogren’s Syndrome Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Sierra Club-On record as pro-abortion group
- Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research-Embryonic Stem Cell
- Soc. For Investigative Dermatology Embryonic Stem Cell
- Soc. For Pediatric Research backs Embryonic Stem Cells
- Soc. For Women’s Health Research Embryonic Stem Cell
- Soroptimist Int’l-Has funded PP
- Steven & Michele Kirsch Fdn. Embryonic Stem Cell
- Susan G. Komen Fdn. Has funded PP
- Take Charge! Cure Parkinson’s Embryonic Stem Cell
- Tourette Syndrome Assn. backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- Travis Roy Fdn. Backs Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Unite 2 Fight Paralysis backs Embryonic Stem Cell
- United Way-Allows affiliates to fund PP, which many do!
- UNICEF-Active in abortion and population control
- YMCA allows PP access to its members.
- YWCA-Publicly on record as a pro-abortion group.
- Youth for Human Rights supports UN statement on “Human Rights” which allows unrestricted abortions worldwide.
- WiCell Research Institute backs Embryonic Stem Cell
[From LDI’s Boycott list, July 2010,]