2011-2012 Activities
Activities for 2011/2012 year
Monthly activites included pick-up and delivery of donated Panera baked products to local charities and food pantries10+ times per month. Charities including but not limited to: The Carmlite Monastery, St. Thomas of Villanova food pantry, St. Theresa, St. Joseph's Home for the Elderly/Little Sisters of the Poor, Greencastle of Palatine, Miles Jesu, CEDA Northwest, Society of Divine Word Missions, Maryville Academy, Christian Appalachia Project, Appalachia Service Project and others. Eucharistic Adoration at St. Theresa Church, providing desserts to the St. Theresa Hospitality Committee for "Welcoming Sunday".
The year included donations made to: St. Thomas Ministry of Care, St. Thomas of Villanova Church- 2 pews, Immaculate Conception Church- new albs, St. Theresa Church- new albs, the American Legion Auxiliary- desserts for the Bingo for Blinded Veterans, desserts to the American Legion for the Thanksgiving Dinner for the troops, St. Thomas Woman's Club- material for making pillowcases for kids with cancer, St. Theresa Woman's Club- raffle gifts for various fundraisers, St. Theresa and St. Thomas Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for needy families, The Kairos Prison Ministry- cookies for prisoners at Dwight Correctional Center, desserts for all KC fundraisers including Pancake Breakfasts, Spaghetti Dinners and other events, Donations of cases of cookbooks to numerous charities giving them 100% of the sale of the books, donations to Palatine Township Apple Tree Campaign- a collection of school supplies for needy area children, Providing lunch to the Pro-Life Action League during their annual Truth Tour, donation of a gift basket to St. Thomas of Villanova for their annual golf outing, donations to Operation Christmas Child, donations of unsold baked sale goods to various fire stations in Palatine, donation of a gift basket to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for thir annual fundraiser, donation to Society for the Preservation of Human Dignity, St. Lukes Catholic Church in Salyersville KY- destroyed by a tornado, and others.
Assisting the Knights of Columbas with Fish Fry's, Spaghetti Dinners, Pancake Breakfasts, Intellectually Disabled Dinner, Christmas Dinner, Childrens Christmas Party, Easter egg hunt, working with the St. Vincent de Paul Society in packaging food at Feed My Starving Children, Assisting St. Thomas of Villanova with a funeral luncheon and their 50th anniversary reception, assisting the Greater Chicago Food Depository with distribution of food to the needy, assisting the KC with the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, assisting the St. Vincent de Paul Society with the pick-up and delivery of thousands of packages of soup and pasta and delivery to numerous charities. Assisting the St. Vincent de Paul Society with the collection of food and non-food items at the annual PLMA Food Drive and then distribution to those in need, assisting the St. Theresa Respect Life with their annual Mother's Day flower sale and Lenten fish fry fundraiser,
Parties included: Champaigne and appetizer party to celebrate success at the convention, joint Installation Dinner with the KC, a joint Christmas party with the KC, a Valentines Party, a St. Patrick's/ St. Joseph's Day Party, a summer-time Hawaiian themed party, Auxiliary Christmas Appetizer party.
Fundraisers included: Bingo fundraiser, Pound Auction, Christmas and after Easter bake sales, cookbook sales,
We also participated in the annual Ministry Faire and Feast Day Mass at St. Theresa, and had a Christmas cookie exchange and a White Elephant gift exchange.